Jul 31, 2009

Dominican officials work to reactivate unused international airport

The airport authorities have reached an agreement with the company that manages most Dominican airports Aerodom, to provide a discount of almost 100 dollars for the airlines and passengers who use Barahona’s Maria Montez International Airport, to spur flights to the country’s south region.

The agreement, awaiting president Leonel Fernandez’s signature, would be in effect for one year and would apply to private and sport aviation which use aircraft of up to 12 passengers and 30,000 pounds of freight.

Passengers wouldn’t have to pay the US$16.30 entrance or exit fee and other charges applied to the airline ticket which add up to almost 100 dollars.

Airports Department director Andres Vanderhorst said the agreement aims to spur operations at the Maria Montez airport, inaugurated more than 10 years ago. “This incentive will set for a dynamics which will let air lines from Puerto Rico, which we’ve talked with, have direct roundtrip flights to Barahona.”

The official, in a visit to the national air show in Oshkosh, said two Jetstream planes, operated by a Puerto Rican airline, are ready to fly to Barahona with 19 passengers each, as part of the projects to re-launch the activities at the Maria Montez terminal.

He added that because the incentives will be significantly lower airfare prices, two other Puerto Rican tour operators also plan direct flights to Barahona,

SOURCE: listindiario.com.do


Exclusive real estate listings. Land, apartments, luxury real estate and commercial property.

J.C.S.A. Inmobiliaria @ Inversiones, C.x.A., Higuey RD.

As much as 52% of a Dominican airfare is tax

Dominican Republic is one of the region’s nations were an airfare to anywhere in the world cuts a deep hole in passengers’ pockets, as the tax slapped on a ticket’s real cost is as high as 52%.

The tax on airfares is so voracious it gobbles up seasonal specials by airlines, whose prices always skyrocket even when they are bought abroad, because the Government charges the airlines a fee per passenger entering or leaving the country, regardless of origin.

In the purchase of each ticket the flyer pays a tax for the Tourism Ministry, the Civil Aviation Institute, the Airport Security Corp, the Air Force, the Airports Department and the airports management company Aerodom.

In addition to those fees collected by decree, each airfare also pays 16% ITBIS Tax and another levy for issuing the ticket.

A Santo Domingo-Miami roundtrip fare for September 22 reserved July 2 cost in an airline US$363.46, US$198.00 of which is the basic cost, US$31.68 is Itbis, a US$20 tax is applied to the exit and US$113.72 are aeronautical fees.

Another Santo Domingo-New York roundtrip airfare reserved yesterday to fly September 19, costs US$208, but the taxes are US$167, whereas the ticket for a Santo Domingo-Paris flight reserved yesterday for the same date costs RD$21,564, whose taxes are RD$17,904.

The same occurs in the Santo Domingo-Ft. Lauderdale roundtrip airfare reserved for that date, which cost US$265.68, with US$138.80 in fees and taxes, or 52% of the cost.

Central Bank figures show that more than four million passengers arrived in the country by air between January and November, of which 3,140,253 were tourists or nonresident foreigners, or 87.1% of the total.

SOURCE: diariolibre.com

Centro de Operaciones

Dominican Republic joins the Mesoamerica Project

Vice president Rafael Alburquerque on Thursday revealed that the Dominican Republic became a full member of the Mesoamerica Project, which includes the Central America Integration System (SICA), Belize Mexico and Colombia, which he said is a great step toward regional cooperation.

He said all the countries voted unanimously on the decision, and the country’s integration will allow it to start important energy projects.

Alburquerque, who represents president Leonel Fernandez in th4e 11th Summit of Presidents and Heads of State of Mexico, Colombia, Central America and Dominican Republic, held Guanacaste, said the country will take advantage of the conclave to promote projects aimed at consolidate the economies of the Plan’s nations.

Jul 17, 2009

The "Real" Real Estate Bargain of The Caribbean !

The Best Place in the Caribbean to Retire, Invest or Start a Business !

The New Dominican Republic

Forbes Business Magazine said "The Dominican Republic set out in the early 1990s to remake itself, reform its government, modernize its institutions and open its economy. Now just a few years later, a new generation of leaders has determined that the Dominican Republic can change and compete in the global economy of the 21st century".
Foreign direct investment has grown since 1993, from US $91 million to an estimated $624 million in 1997, and it is still growing. Weise investors have started to take notice.

Looking for some of the best real estate bargains in the Caribbean? Where can you buy a new home like the one above for under US $ 75,000? The answer is in the Dominican Republic.

Ask most Americans about the Dominican Republic, many have not heard of it. For those that have discovered it while on vacation, many have decided to call it home. Whether you are looking for something different ~ like Santo Domingo's 500 year old Zona Colonial ~ The Left Bank of the Caribbean, or just a great Caribbean escape at an affordable price - The Dominican Republic is the Place. Offshore Investors are also starting to discover the country. Many are calling it the best investment opportunity of the new millennium. We could not agree more.

The lure of the Dominican Republic is not just about beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, luxurious tropical breezes and all of the other things that come to mind when conjuring images of the Caribbean. In fact, many other places you can name do in fact offer the same. So, what is so special about the Dominican Republic? In short, it is still one of most affordable places for tourists and for real estate investors alike. Tax free banking, property taxes so low they are almost non existent, the ability to live very comfortably on less than $2,000 per month ~ make the Dominican Republic the undiscovered paradise.


J.C.S.A. Inmobiliaria & Inversiones,
C.x.A. Higuey - Punta Cana
offering all types of properties for all sorts of budgets, from a studio apartment to luxurious pent-houses, beach front homes, villas, mansions, golf estates, building lots, new construction land, franchises opportunities, commercial real estate properties and so on.

Real estate properties for sale, for rent, for developers, business investors and more...

Lic. Solis Rijo C.

Higuey R.D.

Tel.: (01) 809 554 4455
E-Mail: solisrijosrc@hotmail.com

Casa familiar,
con patio grande
Sala con Cocina, baño, Dormitorio
Casa familiar Higuey

Direccion: Higue SE VENDEy
Provincia: La Altagracia
Moneda: USD
Pais: Republica Dominicana
Sector: El Cerro
Precio: $135.000,-
Habitaciones: 2
Baños: 1
Pisos: 1
Año Construccion: 2009
Parqueos: 8

There are many places you can go to in the Caribbean, but there is only one spot that has been called "The Best Kept Secret".

That place is the Dominican Republic, and the time to find out about this investors paradise is sooner, not later ! You can find out about basic statistics from any book-store travel guide, but not the honest kind of perspective you are looking for. What is it really like to live there? What is the cost of living? How do I find the real estate or apartment bargains? Can I find good Internet access? What is the shopping like? How about banking rates?

Christopher Columbus did not discover America, he discovered the Dominican Republic! In fact, he liked it so much, he decided to stay. The odd thing is, Europeans have been coming ever since, but with less than 20% of the tourists coming from the US, it remains a undiscovered "secret" for Americans. Are there other beautiful places in the Caribbean? Sure there are, but not as inexpensive or offering so much for both the investor and retiree.

High tax-free interest on your US dollar investments, one of the fastest growing countries & economies, pleasant year-round climate, the opportunity for a tax free business, and very modern health care facilities are only a part of the attraction.

Regardless of whether you want the casual beach lifestyle, the cooler temperatures of the mountains, or the nightlife of a modern cosmopolitan capital city, the Dominican Republic has something for everyone. Located on the second largest island in the Caribbean, just a short flight from Miami, it also has more undeveloped and unspoiled beach front property than any other place you can think of.

J.C.S.A. Inmobiliaria & Inversiones, C. x. A.

Dominican Republic Real Estate Market On The Up?

In the last couple of weeks we have seen quite a few properties have their status changed from, For Sale, to Sold…

The buyer demographic has also been quite ample, from people aiming to re-locate to the DR to investors buying up large expanses of farm land to the traditional vacation property buyer. Several nationalities have been represented, however US citizens are the strongest buyer contingent.

Does this mean things have started to get better in the states?

According to the Florida Real Estate Journal, there was a 76% increase of existing single-family home sales in May 2009 compared to May 2008 in Miami, according to the latest report by the Realtor Association of Greater Miami and the Beaches.

Miami was the strongest single-family market in Florida, showing a substantial increase compared to only 16% statewide. The sales of existing condominiums in Miami-Dade increased by 36% compared to the same period last year - and to the 21% statewide increase. The Miami real estate market has experienced a surge in sales each of the last 10 months.

According to National Association of Realtors Chief Economist Lawrence Yun, the South Florida real estate market may have hit bottom. “We’re certainly near the bottom if not at the bottom already,” said Yun at the recent International Real Estate Congress and Expo in Miami.

As there are no official statistics kept for real estate sales in the Dominican Republic, it’s hard for us to make such claims, however we are certainly starting to see increases in sales volumes compared to previous months.

There are still some great deals out there, so as a potential buyer, our advice is to get out there, take a look and start making offers.

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J.C.S.A. Inmibiliaria & Inversiones, C. x. A. Higuey